His blog is fantastic - and I've said this before, but it's so great to get a guy's perspective on cooking. His posts are so well written - I told him I'm guessing he's an English teacher. Unfortunately, language arts was never my forte - maybe I should get Matt to grade and correct my blog.
When I first started blogging, oh all of about two months ago, I had no idea just how fun and rewarding this little hobby could be (it's more time-consuming than I originally anticipated, but so worth it). But, to be recognized by one's peers - who I feel are far more talented than I am - is an awesome thing and I am just so beside-myself happy.
Okay, so I am passing this award on to the following blogs because they are ex-cel-lent (in my head I'm hearing this the way Bill and Ted would say it). I know I have given some of these blogs awards before, but I can't help it, they are so good (and Matt picked a bunch I would have sent this to)!
little momma and company - This is, without a doubt, one of the cutest Mom blogs on the planet. Emily just does the most amazing things - so incredibly talented, that one.
Whisk : a food blog - I think this is a pretty big time food blog. Shari's got such talent at blogging, cooking and photography - definitely prime time stuff!
My Baking Addiction - Jamie has got a beautiful blog, and obviously knows her baking stuff (check out this post to see what I mean).
The Tortefeasor - Cathy is just too funny. This is one of my all-time favorite blogs - and she's just getting started!
Flannel Hippos - My dear friend Jennifer's blog is so sweet. I have learned so much from her and I love following along with her life!
Prudence Pennywise - I check Prudy's blog every day, without fail. Her recipes are great and budget-friendly to boot. Wonderful, wonderful blog!
Ezra Poundcake - Another in the "gorgeous blogs" category. Rebecca's abilities shine through all her wonderful photos.
Champaign Taste - This blog is a favorite of mine because I can get caught up in the local foodie scene (with 4 kids at home, I rarely get the chance to go out and see for myself).
Hooked on Houses - Julia takes me on fantasy house tours, gives great ideas for my dream house I'm building in my head, and keeps me up to date on HGTV. It's so much fun to read this blog everyday.
This Young House - Such a cute couple running this blog and what they've done with their house is incredible. They give out great budget-friendly decorating advice, too!
Enjoy taking a peek at these most excellent blogs. I know you'll like them as much as I do!
Thanks so much, Laura! I really appreciate your kind words and award! I will pass this along as soon as I can! :)
Thank you, Laura, very much for the award! I really appreciate your thinking of me and including me in the lineup. And I'm happy to have discovered your blog; have fun with it! (It IS a ton of work, isn't it? But so rewarding.)
Laura - You're a doll! Thanks! I think your blog IS most excellent too! :)
Love your cupcake flavicon!!! TOOO cute!
Laura, congrats on your award and thank you so much for thinking of my blog. I love yours and I'm definitely going to check out your other recommended blogs. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks, Laura! You're a sweetie!
Well, how fun that you included me in this list, Laura! I'm honored! Now I've got to check out some of the blogs you mentioned that I haven't seen before.
Thanks so much! You made my day. -Julia :-)
Wahoo! We're lovin' you right back, Laura. Thanks so much for the shout out. Now we're off to check out a few of the yummy blogs you mentioned along with ours. Just thinking about 'em makes us hungry...
Sherry & John
Laura! I jumped onto Blogger this morning SPECIFICALLY to tell you that this weekend I made THE FANTASTIC CHILI RECIPE THAT YOU POSTED ON YOUR FANTASTIC BLOG, and here I find this fun and wonderful surprise from you waiting for me! Thank you SO much for thinking of my blog. Like you, I am new at this, but have not had this much fun with an extracurricular activity since . . . well, I honestly can't recall the last time I've had this much fun! And part of what makes it so much fun is enjoying the great posts, recipes and pictures that blogger friends like you share every week. Thank you, thank you, Laura!
Thank you so much for the mention! Sorry it took me so long to get over here, I am a BUSY WOMAN this week! Whew!
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